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Thursday, 11 February 2016

So Called Pit Bull advocates helping Imediaehtics bring down the American Pit Bull Examiner

All these people some alleged pit bull advocates included are promoting imediaethics beat up of American Pit Bull Examiner and in particular Cindy Morabito now a story was posted involving rescue dogs and by the time the story was published 3 hours later one of the dogs was in "foster" care as they prove in their own post.

Now I can understand the pit bull haters wanting to take the American Pit Bull Examiner down but I am at a loss to explain the alleged pit bull advocates who seemed to have joined in, could they be jealous of all the good work Cindy has done over the many years she been actively rescuing animals at Reunion Rescue.

Cindy's income from the examiner went to caring for the residents of her sanctuary so all these people through their actions have put the health and safety of all those animals at risk.

Help Save Trigger and Bella shared IMediaEthics's post.

Karrie Jean Tish shared a link to the group: Crazy For Pitties.

A lie "in a good cause" has become the bane in intelligently responding to a problem that needs rational practical solutions.
This one reporter in this one incident involving the issue of animal shelters and control is a big enough problem BUT...
It seems that this is normal practice for MANY reports and reporters from pop culture to politics and onto world catastrophe and cruelty towards human beings.

So another story from this site that stirred up crap. Why am i not surprised? Inaccurately reportig a story. That sounds familiar. Cough (cookie under breath).

2 people like this.
Brittney Place Omg i wish they would of fired the reporter that wrote cookies story -.- stupid people just causing drama for shelters and rescues...its out of control!
Pat Kurtz I think they get money for number of "hits". People love to share stories about the depravity of humans toward animals.
Lynn Hamilton It says that on there. The worse the headline. The more clicks they get the more they make. Its clickbait.
Agnes Ferrara And the Cookie story is still shared again and again on facebook.
And people still comment on it, not.knowing the truth.
Pat Kurtz I tried to shut down as many as I could, but the shares just went crazy. All the "stories" that The Examiner spins and this one had to catch on? Just because it was so poorly reported to make it look like SBC let them adopt a puppy as a trade-in.

When good intentions backfire and use up vital time and energy where it is actual rescue...

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Steve Miller and 20 others like this.
Sue Roth OMG! As if there's not enough drama with what happens daily!
Meghan Williams This page is Attacking amsterdog telling people to stay clear .
American Pit Bull ExaminR
Malice anyone? How about imediaETHICS pinning this libel filled article so it outranks all their other crap?
Have issued a bunch of DMCA takedown notices...they obviously have forgotten to ask their New York City lawyer about copyright and trademark infringement.
Robin Holmes Lowe Bell I saw them, commented and they blocked me. Whack jobs.
Meghan Williams ya they seem a little unhinged based on other posts as well
Robin Holmes Lowe Bell No ones even commenting but the admin. Lol
Meghan Williams i saw that lol, i think my comment was removed lol

Wow just goes to prove the point that you can't believe what you read
both skye and Milo where rescue!!!!!
The truth about Skye and Milo
Nancy Giron I'm afraid to read this.
Roz Kaplansky Nancy - It's safe to read the story. Both dogs were ultimately rescued by AmsterDog, but the fake story "cost" the rescue lots of aggravation and wasted time ...
Nancy Giron Okay thanks smile emoticon
Roz Kaplansky Here is Skye's "freedom pic" on ADog FB page smile emoticon
This morning, SKYE was on the TBD List. Now she's sittin' pretty in her new home. Thank you, new mama Rhonda!
Roz Kaplansky And here is Milo's "freedom pics"
AmsterDog added 2 new photos.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Milo has left the building. Thank you, and good night!

Amsterdog is posting the falsified article and applauding the shutdown of American Pit Bull Exmainer. Both NYC Shelter System and Amsterdog applaud the end of American Pit Bull Examiner.
Please share and sign petition:
...See More
Peggy Acosta likes this.
Cindy Marabito Pit Bull Hate groups uniting with haters:
Peggy Acosta Signed and shared petition
Terry Holt
Write a comment... kill bogus reporters story about Skye and Milo - both who now safe
"It was supposedly a life and death drama. Why was sister dog Skye separated from her “brother” Milo and left to die by cruel, profit-taking animal rescue groups? This heartrending tale, which also featured a touching photo of the alleged canine siblings “kissing,” inspired more than 1,000 comments on Facebook and was picked up by "
Karen Negrin I write for That's why it takes me so long to write...I have to get the facts, investigate if necessary, write the story and see if there are any updates before publishing. I have often written the articles and then don't have the time to double check for updates so the story never gets published. They will fire you if you intentionally print false information or information that you cannot prove.
Pat Gilleran I'm glad they deleted her entire archive - how dare she make this crap up- it was a very touching story - but now to hind that it was phones is very disconcerting
Karen Negrin I take info off of Facebook too but I try to contact the poster first to make sure that the person who posted: 1. Will let me use their name and info, 2. That the information is still accurate. I keep saying that I want to do an update article on Memphis but still have not had the time to put the new information together. There just isn't enough time in the day.

49 people like this.

Dogsbite and Borchardt's propaganda machine have joined in on the beat up and are gleefully shouting from the roof tops of their success in taking down Cindy as she's been a thorn in their side revealing all their scams and out right lies the NYC have a lot of questions to answer in relation to the amount of healthy adoptable animals they murder on a daily basis and Cindy was exposing them hence their colluding to defame and slander Cindy as they have causing her to lose not only all her research and data but her income too.

This whole thing was a beat up from the start, a set up and as you can see alleged advocate were involved too which is shameful and most concerning to say the least as these people are coveting this type of advocacy the advocacy you have when you actually don't have an advocacy?

Please if you liked any of these pages under the belief they were actually advocating for pit bulls unlike them now and disassociate yourself with this bigoted discriminatory type of avocation.

More to come......

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