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Wednesday, 18 May 2016 and Sach-Mo Adams Controversial Connection Continues

Sach-Mo Adams songkick profile picWhen members get caught in their appearingly devious acts their typical response is “I was hacked” or they sling accusations such as “it was photo-shopped”. WhoIsColleenLynn readers aren’t so easily fooled.  A simple google search and suddenly anyone can piece together who is being dishonest. If you recall, back in February, in the Pit Bull Propaganda group, (group started by supporters)  a Sach-mo Adams made a post and immediately people wanted to know who she was. The post was promoting an up coming book,  You Don’t Know Pit, that needed funding. Many, this WhoIsColleenLynn writer included, saw the “Kickstarter” website with her name listed as well as Leah Lynxx. aka Leah Elizabeth Addison Sardano. On another blog, Lynxx responded with an explanation to what happened after some confusion.
Here is her response: 
Leah Sardano (Lynxx)February 8, 2014 at 2:27 am
Hello, I thought I should address this personally, as it was emailed to me and truly took me by surprise.
First off I am not writing a book bashing pit bulls or any breed. Second, I cannot control if others choose to share the kickstarter champagne. (Although I appreciate peoples help in the campaign I feel their efforts are gravely misguided).
I personally am very passionate about this topic for a multitude of reasons, none of which are to support or endorse any “side” of what appears to be a highly sensitive debate. My interest is in history and history alone.
I have discussed the kickstarter account with kickstarter as to whether they believe that this is the appropriate platform for this project or not (I contacted them, they did not contact me), I am beginning to feel that it may not be as it is well within public view and minds and sides are being taken before the work is even completed.
The kickstater account is mine and mine alone there is no “deception” taking place, no one is trying to “pull the wool” over anyone’s eyes. I have looked into your group and the other groups and can see that this is truly a Hatfields and McCoys situation. I am on neither side, I have no vested interest in picking a side of this debate. I believe in facts, history and education and choosing a side only clouds that judgment.
I am not an “unknown person” not by any means. I am very public and able to be “googled” “facebooked” and who knows what else….(if you’re feeling froggy check out my pintrest there are a ton of great cupcake ideas on there!). I have never hidden my identity, I have used a “pen name” (Leah Lynxx) since my husband passed in late 1998 and will continue to do so on all my written work, the pen name is not a secret and is not “hidden” anywhere. My birth name is Leah Elizabeth Addison, my married name is Leah Elizabeth Sardano and my pen name is Leah Lynxx (a pet name my husband gave me on our second date).
Although I understand you passion for your stance on the subject, and I respect it I don’t agree with your choice in attempting to “out” someone on a public forum by name. It can be damaging and it makes your cause less credible, not to mention the person in the facebook posts and the name someone called out in reference to the camera equipment are not related or the same person. Through my own investigation I have found that the “poster” (someone that yes, I was in contact with years ago) is not the same individual as the facebook account that was being used. Apparently it has been hacked. I feel bad that my simple attempt to generate funding for a project I was so passionate about has turned into such a problem for so many people.
To the anti-Pit-Bull group: I understand that many of you have family and friends that have suffered greatly to a dog attack and I am heartbroken if the hacking of this account and posting of this was in any way . I would like to think that with out any of the “publicity” that you would take an interest in this project if not for the possibility of some light being shed, but for the possibility that you might find some answers to try and ease your pain.
To the Pro-Pit-Bull group: I understand how scary the thought of BSL and anti-breed movements can be, the thought of people preaching death to beloved family pets must be a fear that most can’t imagine. But one would like to assume that you would want this project to move forward again to put final answers to the public and squelch old wives tales and hateful misguided propaganda
To the woman that claims the facebook page that was hacked: I am sorry, I had no part of the hacking, and am appalled at my “acquaintances” actions. I hope that your lockdown and security work with facebook will clear things up along with this post.
To the young man that hacked the facebook account and started all of this nonsense in the first place: I don’t know what to say or even where to start. When you first started emailing me I though you truly were a guy working in a rescue that was interested in this project, but it has become apparent that your either completely lost, confused or simply ill. This has taken up a lot of time for a lot of people so you could get some jollies off. Did you think about the victims in that group? Did you think of the Pit Bull lovers that are already terrified of losing their pets, did you think of my professional standing in my community? I don’t think you thought of much, and I don’t think you care. I have taken the time to forward your information (place of employment email address and the like to the facebook security team, the owner of the facebook page and your employer)
Again, for all of you that have been entangled in this young man’s ‘entertainment’ for the day I apologize.
Please feel free to email me DIRECTLY at: if you need any furtherclearification.
We took Lynxx’s suggestion and googled her. Lynxx claims she is on Facebook, indeed she is, but why is this profile using a stock picture? We would also like to ask, a writer would know how to spell CAMPAIGN, orclarification, right?
Leah’s response was dated on February 8, 2014; one day after her Facebook account changed her cover photo, ironic?
One would think if someone claims to be very public, a writer should be easily googled.  Try to google her email and this is what you will see, ONE result. NOTHING else, no articles, no blogs and since this WhoIsColleenLynn writer was feeling “froggy” found that only two boards on pinterest existed, no followers, and she doesn’t follow anyone. THAT’s IT! Nothing more when the name “Leah Lynxx” is googled.
A few days after WhoIsColleenLynn posted Member Takes a Dive, Sach-Mo Adams left a comment. Reading that response, we found too many similarities to the Leah Lynxx response dated from February 2014, we had to share so that our readers can be the judge
Sacheen Adams on April 18, 2014 at 8:25 pm said:
Hello everyone, My name is Sacheen Adams and it appears that this site has posted some pictures that need a little clearification……. Let me explain the best I can with out compromising my current legal case. A few months ago my facebook was hacked, and apparently so were others in the “dog community” we DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE who all was involved in these attacks or exactly what their reasoning was (if there even was any!). What I do know is these images of my facebook or twitter (heads up I don’t even have a twitter so that was my first red flag lol) are completely doctored and dummied up. These people are NOT let me be VERY CLEAR ON THIS are NOT NOT NOT just anti-pitbull they appear to be ANTI-DOG in general. Where their hate stems from I can not and will not ever know. But their stretch for creative ways to try and upset our community apparently is very disturbing to say the least. I have been very open about the situation to the best I can be (in regards to legal matters pending) and have NO problem continuing an OPEN discussion on the topic. I do believe it is time that we band together to stop this garbage in our community. …. I have attached below the “official” statement that is posted to the dog club facebook page, my personal facebook page and will continue to post if needed for clarification anywhere else. Please if ANYONE has any information they think might help us in tracking these people down PLEASE PLEASE step forward and get us that information, we will keep any information provide completely anonymous! —– again if anyone has ANY questions of ANY kind or ANY leads please message me on FB, Thank you.
I am writing this and trying to figure out if I am ticked off or saddened? I still am not quite sure, I do know that I am in a situation where I need to clear up some serious confusion. Months ago my facebook and a few other peoples facebooks were hacked by a young man (a very emotionally disturbed young man) for sake of all of our sanity I won’t go into all the details (that and for legal reasons). The gist of the story is pretty much this, he posted a TON of inflammatory items on both pro and anti Pit-Bull facebook pages apparently for nothing better than creating drama (he was lashing out and yes is currently in treatment).
Now it appears that some “anti DOG” group or show community bashing group My name and a few other innocent people’s names are attached to some pretty hateful and UNEDUCATED statements. It is amazing what people with too much time on their hands and some photoshop can do…..
Either you are new to this situation or you intentionally are continuing to falsely represent me and others, I find this both sad and counterproductive. Those in the dog community that know me and those I represent know my love and dedication to ALL DOGS, your attempts to disrupt our community have not gone unnoticed and are not helping you in your argument to say the least. You are naive to think you will tear us apart, this will only bring us together and stronger once the truth comes to the surface. You have been warned before and now I will officially be following through with legal action.
Your fight is not my fight, there is too much IMPORTANT work to be done in the dog community to even give a moment of time to your ignorant hate filled ranting. Please leave me out of it! you will gain no ground throwing my name around as some sort of “heavy weight in the fight” ask anyone in the dog community…. You picked the wrong “heavy weight” as I am truly a NOBODY in the dog world, I am as low on the totem pole of “who’s who” in the dog world, and have no “weight” to be thrown around, trust me (anyone out there can tell you that for sure…. And I am sure plenty would ENJOY telling you how insignificant I am lol) I am possibly the smallest fish out there, you would have had better luck if you just photo-shopped Mr. Rogers as your supposed make believe supporter figure head, bad choice guys….bad choice!
Once again, let me apologize for the disruption, hurt and turmoil this has brought both you and our beloved dog community. I know many of you that I have spoken with understand what is going on and have asked that “The young man” be held to a harsher punishment for his actions, I understand your distress, but let me say that this young man has been through QUITE A LOT and has genuinely apologized for his actions (although they are still apparently very damaging). He is a young man with much on his plate and has not had an easy life to say the least. I feel that nailing him to the proverbial cross will not do him, us or the pit-bull community any service in anyway; I feel that it will only add to the hate that seems to be too prevalent in this situation already. I cannot speak for the others that he has defrauded, their choice in perusing legal action is on them not on me.
My legal team will continue to remove the fraudulent posts and if need be will be pressing charges against those that continue to misrepresent the situation for their political gain.

****I AM NOT A SUPPORTER OF BSL**** and will NOT support ANY radical anti dog group or hate filled anti dog group. Anti dog groups don’t just harm one breed they harm all breeds, they continue to spread lies and untruths of dogs in general and continue to derail the great strides we have made in public awareness and education.
My experience with pit-bulls and subsequent breeds is a far cry from anything one could say was worthy of “forming an opinion on” or quoting. To be honest I probably am not even the best source for information on my own breed as I am VERY new in reference to the “dog world” and there are many others that are a wealth of knowledge in my breed.
Sach-Mo claims she isn’t the best source for information, really?  Then what about this:
Sach-Mo goes on to share:
When asked I tend to direct people to those that I believe are exceptional representatives of the breed (we do have some of the best in our state!!!) . As with ANY BREED the right breed for some may not be the right breed for others, we can no base a whole breed off of a FEW incidents that appear to be so blindly blown out of proportion for basic sensationalism in the media…. What happens when they no longer attack pit-bulls on the news, what breed will they pick next? Will it be yours? Or mine? It very well could be. Why wouldn’t it be after all in the 70’s it was the Doberman, and in the 80’s it was the Chow Chow, in the 90’s it was the Rottweiler….so who is next? I would expect those in the dog community to support the truth for my breed as much as any other breed and yes this includes pit-bulls and other bully breeds that currently seem to be in the line of sight for the media.
We as dog enthusiasts are already under attack by so many that assume we are the cause of anything negative in the dog community; they are quick to turn a blind eye to the good work, education, and overall awareness of dogs that we do. They don’t want to talk about the BETTERMENT of the breeds and dogs that we have fought so hard to achieve, and they certainly don’t take a look at the great strides in medicine that have been brought about through our dedication. The last thing we need is a “divide” between us because of a breed, a breed that is beloved in our community. I don’t know one person in the dog community that I work with that “hates” any one specific breed, we know too much and hold ourselves to much higher standards to allow that to happen.
We have all now witnessed how quickly radicals and extremists can take anything and become destructive with it, I would like to say to EVERYONE in the dog community: We are stronger than the hate, we are stronger than the false information and we will rise above and we will win this fight through EDUCATION! I have seen nothing less than true love, support and sportsmanship in our community. We have rallied together to support communities, schools, the police, disaster victims and our elderly neighbors, I know the good that is out there and refuse to allow a few “conspiracy theory nut jobs” to destroy what everyone has worked so hard to create! They may think that they have the upper hand, but apparently, they haven’t messed with a terrier owner when they are ticked off…. They have no clue what a “terrier-girl” is all about ;)…… and how silly of them to assume that any terrier lover would outcast another terrier!
First, these images were NOT “doctored and dummied up”.  This WhoIsColleenLynn writer saw that comment the day it posted and was interested in learning who the “NEW HATER” was and what book was being written. With some research via google, the original fundraising Kickstarter page was started by Leah Lynxx, but notice the other name that is attached
Don’t bother hitting the google link, the Kickstarter page has been cancelled. Maybe the “hacker” made that page too? But, that isn’t the only link that is missing now, see for yourself:
Is anyone else seeing a pattern with funding sites? Perhaps the “Hacker” just wanted to do a good deed for others as well as Autism?
What also appears strange are comments in a google search recently showing Sach-Mo Adams comments but when you click on the link, the comments have a NEW user name attached to the same comment in the google search, take a look:
What also appears very suspicious is Leah Lynxx canceling the crowd-funding for the book the same day her Facebook account changed, and comments disappeared on the World Wide Web. But there is a reason according to Sach-Mo aka Sacheen.
Sach-Mo has made one final comment on her Facebook page. Our question to her and her supporters (that believe her lies), why haven’t you contacted Leah and asked for the information?  WhoIsColleenLynn can’t tell you why, but we can only speculate there are more lies, and that Leah Lynxx and Sach-Mo could be the same person. One can imagine if you were hacked by some “distrubed” person (that, according to their own statements, received therapy) that wanted to discredit or cause professional hard, one would never give up.  But that isn’t the case according to Sach-Mo’s April 19th statement on WhoIsColleenLynn.
Ok for those that are following this crazy “pit-bull” issue, I am going to have to say I am done with the whole thing. I have been trying to track this down, and as you can all read from the comments everywhere more lies and more deceit. Sadly I have had to come to the realization that there are some really “crazy” people out there. People that spend apparently a TON of time making fake paper trails, fake facebook accounts, fake facebook screenshots and the list goes on and one. Where these people get this much time I have no clue as the time I have spent in the last three days has been exhausting. I understand that this must be some kind of “life mission” for these people but I don’t have the energy any more and I have only been dealing with “these people” for the last few days. I am officially calling and END to any investigating on the subject and am moving on from it. Their is too much evil out there on this and apparently being the “president” of a dog club is enough for these people to take me down with no concern for anyone else or anything else. Truly sad to say the least. For those that want to believe that I “hate pit-bulls” go for it apparently logic and reasoning won’t change your mind on any of that. For those that know me know what I am about and where my loyalties stand.To be honest, and take this for what it is I don’t have a give a who either way on the pit-bull topic because like religion you will NOT be able to change peoples minds either way. I would like to think that education would be the winner but apparently even the information from both sides is screwed as both of these camps are fanatical, doctored up (seems to be the theme here) and fake. Sad in the end it is the dogs that lose… no one else, but apparently for some that is their ultimate goal. Like I said in the beginning we aren’t dealing with anti pitbull people we are dealing with anti dog people. Sad for all the dedication love hard work and so much more that dogs ALL dogs have given the community some can’t see past their hate. I can not compete with the constant made up facebook information and all the photo shop work if people choose to believe made up images versus what they know of me from personal interactions and my dedication to ALL DOGS so be it, I can not win a battle that is being run by lunatics. To all that love pits, and are unaware of all the drama hug your dogs tight and know that they are loved enough to send people to do crazy things lol. To my friends and truth seekers that have been working to put an end to the madness, it won’t end I love you all for your hard work but sadly it is time to lay the gauntlet down and let them have their day, they think they have a victory in this somehow, not sure but let them have it I am the bigger person and know who I am and don’t need to be concerned with their games any longer. It is the internet what is out there is out there I guess this has been a “crazy” and “fun” ride in learning that you can’t believe what you see on the internet lol oh well tomorrow is another day and I will continue to advocate for the dogs ALL DOGS
No argument with Sach-Mo on one point, there are “crazy people” out there. But Pit Bull Lovers, supporters, or nutters as we are called didn’t start this escapade. We’re just reporting what happened right before our eyes and right before members eyes. You can claim you are for all dogs, Pit Bulls included, but do our readers buy that for one second? Simply because you can delete things, change user names, make excuses and accusations? In the end, if you’re going to attempt what appears to be a cover-up, you must not forgot to get them all. You see, before claiming she was “hacked”, Sach-Mo commented on an article where a child was killed in his home, the mother of this child is a member. A very sad Georgia-based incident of a mother leaving her child and dog unsupervised in a downstairs room.  The President of a dog club addresses that mother in this comment from an article that ran in the Conservative Infidel:
That comment was made in November 2013, long before the alleged  hacking. members claim to be a victims support group, but it will be a cold day in hell we can offer understanding of a support group member referring to a mother that has just lost a child as being a  “Stupid dog shit mother”.  So, we ask our readers, is this anyway for a President of a dog club to act? Is this how anyone should act when a child’s life is lost no matter what the tragic set of circumstance? Remember, SACHEEN ADAMS has claimed she doesn’t hate Pit Bulls. But further down the comment of that same article, we read something else.
Usually it is members claiming that Pit Bull supporters blame the child or victim in a dog attack.  Ironic, isn’t it? But remember, Sacheen Adams reached out to one of’s most active members in a Facebook private message that was shared publicly on the Pit Bull Propaganda Machine group page on February 7th, wonder if she knew back then he was going to be in Georgia, supporting the”dogshit mother” in just a few short months?
A hacked account trying to infiltrate our groups. Suddenly this information appears online in Foolish Follies. Really, how juvenile. This foolishness makes your cause look so special. You may think we don’t know what is going on but two can play your little games. You think you know what we do and how we operate and how we advocate. Wrong.
-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
how sad, I am so sorry. if you dont midn me asking what happened? did the baby sitter bring the dog to yoru place or did you bring your son to the babysitter?
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
Read the DBO story when you have a chance…It explains everything.
15 minute attack on their owner while she was carrying him.
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
I am not supposed to be like that because I am SOOO active in the dog community, but facts are facts they are lethal killing machines!
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
yep…well, welcome anyways…I’m usually pretty suspicious of new people…I know the pit fanatics have been trying to infiltrate our groups…but after studying this issue for 11 months now, I can tell you’re a pretty smart guy.
and know a lot about it.
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
smart girl lol , but thank you ! Glad to be here 
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
Oh awesome!…my bad!
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
all good lol
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
I’m friends with Michelle Ryan…she’s from your neck of the woods…she lost her son to a pit attack last year.
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
I know there are more then what is being reported, i just can’t figure out how to track them down. (deaths by pit) someone is pulling strings somewhere to get it out of the news and I think it is the SPCA
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
Told ya
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
they are quick to try and tear anyone down huh
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
Welcome to the party
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
they just don’t get it do they? they just can’t handle the fact that people KNOW THESE DAMN DOGS KILL,
they are soooo stupid, the HSUS and SPCA are the ones getting the final laugh they are raking in the $$$$ while these people do all the damn dirty work for them WHAT MORONS
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
it seems like it is almost a useless battle doesn’t it? I mean you can’t fix stupid. What a crock of shit, first off if I were the one writing the book (not just helping with research) my name would HAVE TO BE ON THE BOOK kickstarted doesn’t mess around with that stuff. They need to do better homework
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
so who do you have on the “inside”?
they must have someone in here taking screen captures right?
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
Didn’t take long for them to track you down…told ya..they stalk my page 24/7 …no, my group is PUBLIC on purpose
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
gotcha how funny why do they bother so much,,, again what is in it for them????
what do they think they are accomplishing by keeping these “dogs” around in the first damn place???
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
Check out “Ignorance Is Unbelievable” and “Faces Of BSL Apologists”
On Facebook
Get back to me
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
OMG these people are nuts aren’t they they are sooo damn paranoid lol cracks me up BIG TIME.
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
Been dealing with these people for months now…they call your work and try and get you fired.
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
so they take a screen shot of the kickstarter then superimpose me on it to look like it is my book, don’t they think other people will actually GO to the kickstarter account to see that isn’t there? are they really this stupid?
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
You got it… then call us stupid… like I said…welcome to the party
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
WOW they are really off base lol, so what has word press said about them sharing third party info
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
they are now calling someone out by “name” I am assuming they think that is me lol hahahaha would love to know where they attempt to get their info lol hahahahaha
Jeff Borchardt
Jeff Borchardt
What’s the name?
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
or somehting I don’t know i clicked out of it lol had me laughing though kinda feel bad they will start bugging someone that is innocent lol oh well
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
shit think i screwed up, i emailed that link to her, she emailed back about possibly not doing the book UGH UGH UGH CRAP
Sach-mo Adams
Sach-mo Adams
Hello, I am the owner of this account. I am not quite sure what all is going on except for getting a call from some people about some odd posts on my facebook page etc. I am sorry for your loss, but I am not the poster of any of todays content. My account has been hacked (and was reported to facebook) and I will be deleting any posts on my screen name from your page. Thank you.
How convenient, deleting any posts, wonder why? Someone appears to be getting caught in the act and lying their way out, or at least trying to.
WhoIsColleenLynn writers invest a great deal of time in investigating, researching and validating material for articles shared with our readers.  It is with the intent that The Whole Truth be exposed.  Why?  Because lies that result in unnecessary death is unacceptable! We do not participate, condone or publish any piece of information that cannot be validated.  No photo shopped screenshots or pictures are published, and authenticity can be verified in a court of law if presented publicly on our site, as can quotes, facts, statistics and other items shared with our readers.
^^^Due to contributions from a reader, this article has been edited to include information previously unavailable
Sach-Mo Adams has stated that her account, on or around said events was hacked. My final question to Sach-Mo is this, WAS YOUR HUSBANDS ACCOUNT HACKED TOO? Perhaps you forgot to mention that in your lengthy excuse.

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