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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Disqus Moderators need to lift their game and stop the bully's?

Disqus moderators seem to not want to stop the bully's on their forums recently I noticed a commentator on a thread was notated as a "MOD" for Disqus so I responded to their comment with a screen shot of Gabriel Barros's latest attempt at cyber bullying 

something that's been going on for months and despite many complaints and using their own reporting facilities this bully still seems to be attacking people with impunity?

Gabriel Barros

Gabriel Barros  3 days ago

Nobody want's your pit bull propaganda.

Gabriel Barros replied to you on Pit-bull ba
Source; Pit-bull ban proponent says Denver paper threatened to pull political ad after ban critics complained

Here's my comment to the "Moderator" and as you can see by his response he threatened me with repercussions if I persisted in my actions?

please help me this is the sort of thing I'm dealing with?

    Now all this Moderator had to do was go to the article confirm the post was bullying and then remove it but he/she obviously couldn't care less about people using Disqus as a platform for their hate?

    Why is this person and others like him being allowed by Disqus to cyber bully and abuse legitimate commentators day in and day out and Disqus refuses to remove them?

    Well maybe it might be time for a class suit against Disqus as a hit to their bank balance may well cause them to honor their duty of care to users?

    Disqus it's time to start protecting legitimate users and remove the fake accounts and cyber bully's?

    more to come......

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